A few programs from the list below have been started. Each course will have three credits equivalent to 45 hours. Any one student who has taken any of four courses in happiness would be issued with a certificate on minor specialisation in happiness or even is feasible for a dual degree.

This would earn a strong certificate for any stream to pursue later as a change in career, in either of the stream, and also do research in any of the fields. It is open as transdisciplinary approach for students.

1. Research Initiatives and knowledge sharing
  • Happiness and wellness workshops to be conducted on topics such as resilience, emotional intelligence, meditation, and mindfulness through intradisciplinary approach where sciences, arts, commerce, management, economy, engineering meet. The outcomes can be published as papers for publication or written as a chapter in Shoolini Happiness Book.
  • Global partnership – built relationship with World Happiness Foundation, Peace University, other universities in the west, and Wellbeing projects for a possible exchange of students and faculty.
  • Take up students for thesis guidance for master’s and PhD scholars.
  • 10 (Ten) paid Internship to students on Happiness Curriculum – Specific project happiness will be assigned each year.
  • Organise annual symposium and/or bringing various disciplines together to understand happiness and wellbeing from different perspectives.
  • Organise annual symposium and/or bringing various disciplines together to understand happiness and wellbeing from different perspectives.

As and when there arise other needs in the area of happiness and wellbeing, it will be considered under the Yoganand School of Spirituality and Happiness. Under this will be resting the Rekhi Centre of Excellence for Science of Happiness.

2. Holistic Wellness and Happiness Services

Yoga Practice

The department of Yogic Science can organise a weekly practical yoga class for students, male and female separately with two yoga teachers.

  • The duration will be a maximum period of 35 min with 5 min Q&A. The time and day in the week need to be decided by the responsible in the system.
  • There could be a monthly session organised for staff and their families.
  • Special yoga sessions for faculty shall be conducted on demand.
  • There shall be a monthly practice for community around the campus.

Meditation Practice

The Happiness Centre can organise weekly mindfulness for a mix group of boys /girls and faculty together every once a week. It will be a practice of 35 min with 5 min Q&A. The time and day in the week need to be decided by the responsible in the system.

Community engagement

Join in annual fests for wellbeing activities such as yoga, mindfulness, meditation, etc. Also, partner with local schools and provide once a month session on wellbeing and happiness programmes that can be on yoga, meditation, mindfulness, health and others.


  • Group and individual consultation and counselling– mentoring can be organised as and when required. Also, establish peer groups for mutual support and sharing experiences.
  • Open up for external institutions and companies to benefit from the happiness courses to be designed according to their needs.
3. Saroj-Prem Happiness Talk Series

The talks will be recorded with permission and transcribed into chapters for publishing book by Shoolini University on Happiness and Wellbeing.

  • We assign every last Friday of the month at 4:30 pm for an hour (40 min talk and 20 min Q &A) for the Happiness Talk. The speakers will be international and national. It could be organised in campus and whenever not possible online.
4. Target Group
  • Minor course in spiritual science – 3 credits in ancient Indic knowledge (not religion) for happiness. Decoding happiness from Buddha’s teachings, Bhagwat Geet and Upanishads.
  • Minor course in Science of Happiness – 3 credits in science behind happiness
  • Minor course in GNH happiness – 3 credits in Gross National Happiness course with mindfulness and measurement of happiness.
  • Minor course in Aharah Sastra for Happiness – 3 credits in the science of diet and nutrition for happiness.
  • Minor course in Yoga for health, healing and happiness – 3 credits in the philosophy and practice of yoga
  • Minor course in for happy leadership habits – 3 credits in leadership, communication, work psychology for happiness – Happy, Effective, Leaders of Mindfulness.
  • Minor specialisation in sports & happiness – 3 credits in sports and wellbeing for happiness
  • Minor specialisation in consumer happiness – 3 credits in customer and clients’ satisfaction
  • Who will teach these courses? There are existing faculties specialised in the respective areas and two such faculty with PhD would be recruited from the funds so obtained through Rekhi Foundation for Happiness.